Friday 14 December 2007

Falling behind...

Things I've not yet done in the lead up to Xmas:
  • failed to change the mole's status as a still-living organism
  • bought xmas presents for my family and myself (hey - I deserve something)
  • cleared the queues at the journal (am juggling between answering emails, catching papers that have been in the system since the time of the first printing presses, making decisions on papers, sending papers out to review, and managing the transition from one assistant to another)
  • set up the new eye tracker
  • marked exam scripts
  • breathed in and out with a rhythm that is not indicative of rising panic
Things I've done in the lead up to Xmas:
  • worked out the things I've not done in the lead up to Xmas
  • breathed in and out with a rhythm that is indicative of rising panic