Saturday, 26 September 2009

advertising feature

After a period of abeyance, this blog is, once again, in a 'go' phase. Planned updates over the next couple of weeks include:
  • Turkey: windsurfing, ringo riding, and Jamie propelled at speed into the depths of the ocean...
  • Barcelona: conferencing, electricty blackouts, and a foolish offer to host AMLaP 2010 in York next year (dates most likely to be 6th-8th September, 2010. You read it here first!)
  • A publicity photo for a public lecture in which, miraculously, I had grown hair where no hair will ever grow again... (I did manage to intercept, and depilate, the photo before it went to press...)
  • Altec Lansing Expressionist Bass computer speakers - unbelievably good. Too good. Can't use them in the office without the entire corridor rumbling to the beat...
  • - grocery delivery via iPhone... geek heaven!
  • Bearded Dragons on the horizon, if Jamie has his way and I can't think of a good enough reason why we *can't* fit a 120cm vivarium into our living room...
Of course, anyone reading this won't care about what updates are planned. I merely put them here to remind me in the coming days to fulfil my promise and make public the memories I hope to recall in future years. Not even 6 NIH grant applications to review, scores of Cognition manuscripts to process, new data to analyze, two theses to read, experiments to be run (because I was so stupid that I need to re-run the last one..), and students to supervise, will get in the way. The only limiting factor, as that last sentence makes clear, will be my grammar.