Sunday 19 October 2008


I’ve been unfaithful. To this blog, that is. I’ve joined Facebook. I’m completely confused by what’s public and what isn’t, what my ‘wall’ is, what ‘friends’ expect from their friendship with me, and what the correct etiquette is when someone invites you to be their friend but, not knowing who they are, you decide you don’t really want to exchange virtual hugs or kisses with them. Fortunately, I have a mere 16 friends; a rather feeble number compared to the 150+ that some of my friends have. But it’s still early days, and perhaps I can get that 16 up to 20...

In my occasional series of Tips for Prospective Authors at the Journal I Edit, I have the following advice to offer, based on a real-life incident: If at a dinner, at which I’m absent, you happen to meet any members of my immediate family, avoid berating them for any editorial misdemeanors you feel you may have suffered. It’s not their fault! Actually, it’s probably not my fault either.

Finally, things you don’t want to hear as you think you’ve just landed at Washington DC: “Welcome to Dallas”. Fortunately, it turned out that I’d landed in the right place, but with the wrong pronunciation. The airport’s called Dulles.

And now... back to Facebook, where I’ve apparently been ‘poked’. Yum.